If you are selling or planning to buy a house, you will surely need an experienced, patient, and professional real estate agent to deal with. Someone who knows the market and will provide you the best deal will be worth your time and money. You will never meet the perfect real estate agent in your life, but here are some points you may like to consider in looking for the good real estate agents in your area:
1) Difference between Realtors and Real Estate Agents
Realtors are professionals who have the license to sell properties as agents or brokers. On the other hand, every real estate agent is not automatically a realtor. Authentic realtors display their logos. They are also members of a national association and have taken pledge to abide by the Code of Ethics.
2) Referrals and Recommendations
Word-of-mouth dictates more influence over other forms of marketing strategies. Ask your family members, friends, colleagues, and neighbors about their own experiences with certain real estate agents. Those agents that put their clients’ needs before their own are usually the ones remembered and most of the time referred to.
3) Check out agents listing online
Thanks to the internet, it is now easier to locate good real estate agents. Try to narrow your search by ‘googling’ the top brokers in your area and matching their experiences to your needs. Reading customers’ testimonials would also help you in deciding whom to choose.
4) Look for neighborhood signs and track print ads
Signs displaying names of realtors, and agents/brokers provide dual purpose: advertisement for their services and familiarity on the part of consumers. Even if you are not yet currently looking for a real estate agent, your frequent sight of their signage in your neighborhood will make you remember their names until the time you will need them.
You must also check your newspapers’ print ads. Their contact details are posted so it will be easy for you to contact them for your concerns and inquiries.