Google Plus a best tool for marketing

In the beginning Google plus was not very popular among people who work on social networking sites. They did not considered it to be a useful tool but from sometime it has started to gain popularity just like facebook and twitter. Some people are even claiming it to be a rival of facebook. Marketing networks and businessmen now have started to use to boost their companies. At start it was just an invitation-only site and it remained like that for months but slowly it became an open site for common people just like all other social networking sites.

Facebook has remain mammoth for years, there was not a single site which was able to effect its fame or even come closer to it, Google plus has showed that it has power to out throw the popularity of facebook. it has a record of posting which has been done by 50 million people in just  three months from the service started. For facebook the time was of three years to reach to this point. All this shows how it can work for marketers and companies who want to increase sells for their products. It is more helpful because of the fact that up to 70% web browsers go to Google first for their searches and it is the only search engine which has gained so much popularity, it is the largest source to obtain traffic towards business.

It still do not deal directly with business websites and organizations, so a business owner will have to have a profile of individual owner and will have to connect with bellwether and leaders and make connections to those you know about.

It is important to understand properly who Google plus works for marketing. Google has make people understand how to use tools through step by step guide. One can understand the feature and functions of it from there.

You can add circles in which you can specify people for different categorize according to your connections, it help you to share specific information to relative people according to interests and likes. if there is any post with some business information you can select the business group and only the people added in that group will be able to watch that post. You can also public your post so that everyone can see it.

Make sure that whatever you post should be sophisticated and intellectual so that people take you seriously that way they will pay more attention to your post. Make sure that your post has relevant information and something new and interesting, it should be beneficial for readers only than you will be able to benefit through it.   

Through hangout you can have a webcam chat with up to 10 google+ users, it is best for live meetings with your clients and business acquaintance. Tagging is also available in this website.

Whenever you search for something on Google you find information on the right side there you find a plus one button, it is to like or dislike what you have found out.

Google plus one is the most used factor for search engine optimization. In coming years Google is going to put together the data of G+ to increase ranking and SEO. Your votes will give you the wanted results and will let you know about your position in the market.